二、加拿大威爾士高中(Wales College Secondary School)簡介:
加拿大多倫多著名本地中學, 治學嚴謹, 聲譽卓越, 多倫多唯一SAT(賽達:美國高考)官方考試中心/ACT(美國高考)官方考試中心/IELTS雅思官方考試中心。畢業生在各排名/考試/競賽中名列前茅,獲獎無數; 歷年多倫多雅思滿分9分/SAT滿分2400分狀元皆出自威爾士高中。歷屆畢業生100%升入多倫多大學/滑鐵盧大學等加拿大及北美著名大學。
Offering great opportunity and flexibility, the Province of Ontario has one of the most highly developed educational system in North America. To graduate from an Ontario high school and receive the Ontario Secondary School Diploma(OSSD), students must complete a minimum of 30 courses (credits). With the OSSD, students are qualified to enter university, college or an apprenticeship program. For international students, whose first language is not English, they must take the IELTS or another universally recognized test of English language skills and achieve a score that has been established by the educational institution.
Having the largest number of universities(19) and post-secondary colleges (22), Ontario offers comprehensive and high-quality education at the undergraduate level and also offers Master’s and Doctoral programs as well. Degrees from these universities and diplomas from the colleges are recognized worldwide.
安省高中畢業要求(OSSD): 加拿大安大略省威爾士高中提供完善的世界級高中教育體系。學生可以選擇下面表格中的商科,數學,計算機,理科,工程,藝術,醫學等等所有大學專業所需高中課程,畢業學生可以選擇歐美,亞洲等世界所有大學的任何專業深造。威爾士高中畢業生必須完成安省高中生所需要的20-40小時的社區義工時間。安省高中課程評分由課堂參與,演講,作業,團隊項目,考試,考勤決定。